About Detroit Hoist

Detroit Hoist is a Michigan based company that designs and manufactures wire rope hoists. Many of the nation's leading companies were early customers of Detroit Hoist and in which relationships with them still continue to this day.

First established in 1905 as the Pillings Air Engine Works, the company was renamed in 1907 as Detroit Hoist & Machine Co. to engineer, manufacture and sell quality air- and electric-operated hoists and cranes. Many leading manufacturers in Michigan and across the nation were among its early customers relationships which in many cases continue to this day.

Realizing that its customer’s satisfaction is paramount to its continued success, Detroit Hoist is committed to being the best at what it does and to deliver what it promises on time and at competitive prices. Operating out of modern plant facilities, the company is a U.S. manufacturer of almost all components of the hoists and the end trucks necessary for complete crane assemblies.

In-house product research and development enables the company to retain the flexibility of applying standardized designs, simplicity and economies of time-proven serial components for more value and increased reliability.

In the new millennium, Detroit Hoist looks forward to continued growth through the development of innovative products and attention to customer service. Given the company’s successful history, it’s a plan for which it is both well equipped and well suited.